Jeremy Lyon wrote:
On 8/31/06, *Ed Brown* <ebrown@xxxxxxxx <mailto:ebrown@xxxxxxxx>> wrote:
A 'debug mode' or error-handling framework
for %pre and %post scripts like I'm suggesting, would allow for far
easier development, and a more robust recovery capability, and allow
%post to be more fully utilized for what is was intended for, instead
of resorting to post-post scripts.
How would you build such a framework though?
Do we really have to go as far as a full framework? perhaps some handy
interim would be better?
It might be possible to simply run a shell, and connect it's output to a
TTY, as well as it's input. I know that some people on this list already
use that as a method of debugging.
It's not a case of building a framework. It's more simply a a way of
finding a better way to implement the way %post deals with output from
the comamnds that it runs, ideally in a way that can be interracted with
IF DESIRED, or logged for future reference.
I don't see it as complicated, in theory. However, I'm not an Anaconda
developer, so have no idea what the code is like. Perhaps it might be a
good idea to go dig out the code, and find out whether or not there is a
Coding reason why this won't work.
It just seems odd to me that the Anaconda guys hadn't already thought of
it. Perhaps it's a limitation/feature of the way Anaconda was built to
work. Remember, it doesn't just do kickstart, it's also the same engine
used to install machines manually.
Phil Bettinson
Swyddog Gweinyddu Systemau Systems Administrator
Isadran Cyfrifiaduron Computer Section
Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru National Library of Wales
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Yn siarad drosof fy hun, nid LlGC - Speaking personally, not for NLW