I was trying to figure out, for instance, why "apr" gets installed...
but can't find any chaining or dependencies. And it's not named
explictly in comps.xml or any of the other xml.gz files.
If you have an installed system, you can do a "test remove" of the
package to see what packages depend on it:
# rpm -q --provides apr
apr = 0.9.4-24.5.c4.1
# rpm -e --test apr
error: Failed dependencies:
libapr-0.so.0 is needed by (installed)
libapr-0.so.0 is needed by (installed) apr-util-0.9.4-21.i386
libapr-0.so.0 is needed by (installed)
apr >= 0.9.4-24.2 is needed by (installed)