Dean Troyer wrote:
On 5/10/06, Philip Prindeville <philipp_subx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
(1) when you specify "ks=cdrom", where does this imply the ks.cfg
file to be? In the top-level directory of the DVD?
Yes; it'll look for \ks.cfg. You can also specify the actual device
name and a full path to a different file name:
(3) where does the output of %post get logged? vt3? But not a file?
I just send output to /dev/tty3 so it's all there with the other stuff
echo "* Executing non-chroot post" >/dev/tty3
(4) when %post is run, have the repos been created yet? I tried running
yum, as in:
Cannot find a valid baseurl for repo: core
Error: Cannot find a valid baseurl for repo: core
This could be because your networking isn't set up or you're running
in the chroot %post and don't have access to your install media.
And that's what I didn't understand... Even in a non-chrooted shell, I
don't have access to the DVD (it seems to have been unmounted already)
and the networking isn't up... Which is odd, because I have:
network --device eth0 --onboot boot --bootproto dhcp
in there. At what point does Anaconda unmount the CD/DVD media?
Surely not before running %post scripts...