On 3/21/06, Elizabeth.Brosch@xxxxxxxxxxx <Elizabeth.Brosch@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > Thanks Phil for the reply. I am using RHEL 4 Update 2. I was thinking about going to either Update 3 or reverting back to RHEL 4 w/out updates. I began to think that the vmlinuz and the initrd for this release was missing something that is causing my problems. I don't suspect it has anything to do with timing (switches, etc) but I could be wrong. I am going to attempt Kickstart with another release and see if that solves my problem. > 1) If you install using CDROM does the network work by default? 2) Which driver does it use? 3) When you boot over the network does it say that it is loading the correct driver on tty3? 4) When you boot over the network does the kernel print any error messages on tty4? regards, dan carpenter