During Kickstart installation with FC4, I used the following Line to
configure X-window and start it up after booting (on a DL385 system).
xconfig --videocard "ATI Mach64" --resolution 1024x768 --depth 16 --startxonboot --defaultdesktop kde
with Fedore Core 5 this allways bomps during the installation (somethins like rphlx.videocard missing).
Without the xconfig statement all wents fine, but X does not come up after the boot
(only runlevel 3).
I tried
xconfig --startxonboot --defaultdesktop=KDE
What I want is:
Configure X to use KDE by default and it should come up automatically after a reboot.
Johannes Demel demel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Johannes.Demel@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Information Technology Services, Head of Communication Group
Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10/020, A 1040 Wien
Tel: ++43(1)58801-42040 Fax: ++43(1)58801-42099