Shabazian, Chip wrote:
What kind of information are you looking for?
I haven't had time to work on this yet myself, but I did take the
standard comps.xml file, remove all of the language entries, and it
suddenly made a LOT more sense to me.
Here are some of the links I've been saving for when I have time to do
I would like to create a comps.xml which TRULY builds a minimal system
(I have a build down to about 100 packages), then allow me to add onto
that as appropriate.
-----Original Message-----
From: kickstart-list-bounces@xxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:kickstart-list-bounces@xxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Dan Trainor
Sent: Wednesday, March 08, 2006 12:11 PM
To: kickstart-list@xxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Small image based on comps.xml alone?
Hello, all -
I've been working on a few different items lately, one of which I'm
working on today. I'd like to build images which contain packages which
are either directly or indirectly referenced via comps.xml, being
dependencies of, or explicitly named packages, in comps.xml.
The reason I'm doing this is to first allow myself some degree of
flexibility when adding my own packages to comps.xml and having them
being installed, and also to slim down an install to under 1 complete
I know that we've talked about comps.xml on the list in the past, but I
don't think we've quite covered this aspect of things.
Thanks again for the time - it is greatly appreciated.
Thanks for the reply, Chip -
I was thinking, based on what I've read of your posts, "if anyone would
respond to this, it would be Chip". haha.
Anyway - yes, I'm trying to do the same sort of whing which you had
mentioned. I've got it down pretty well, however, I don't know how to
make my medium include ONLY those packages specified in comps.xml.
The best I've been able to do is an HTTP boot, and record the packages
downloaded by the installing client, based on Apache's logs. I'll then
take this list of packages and throw them all on one bootable CD, and
corss my fingers. However, there *has* to be a more elegant way of
doing this.
- Dan Trainor
- id-Confirm, Inc.
- Direct: 720.241.5580