Hi, I'm running into problems while trying to rebuild the package order of somewhat customized RHEL 4.2 x86_64 distribution. While it works fine on a RHEL 4.2 x86_64 installed system, when I try i386 installed system it won't work. I get the following error: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/anaconda-runtime/pkgorder", line 209, in ? pkgOrder.append(hdlist[package].nevra()) File "/usr/lib/anaconda/hdrlist.py", line 422, in __getitem__ raise KeyError, "No such package %s" %(item,) KeyError: 'No such package kernel-smp' The following is the script I am using export PYTHONPATH=/usr/lib/anaconda export PATH=$PATH:/usr/lib/anaconda-runtime genhdlist $1 # Full path required pkgorder $1 x86_64 > /tmp/pkgorder.txt genhdlist --fileorder /tmp/pkgorder.txt $DIST Any help greatly appreciated.