Hello, I am trying to use kickstart to install FC4. I did installed FC4 (without kickstart) and took the anaconda-ks.cfg as a basis to use on installation on a new machine (which has the same hw,exactly). I am using http kickstart installation and get many messages like these: ... PACKAGE NAME references package PACKAGE NAME which doesn't exist PACKAGE NAME references package PACKAGE NAME which doesn't exist PACKAGE NAME references package PACKAGE NAME which doesn't exist ... ... and then I see an exception and the installation aborts (with printing trace) googling a bit showed the following thread: http://forums.fedoraforum.org/showthread.php?t=60555 it says there: "...but I was able to cure this crash by removing all of the "-package_name" lines I had in the %packages section. I added "rpm -e package_name" commands in the %post section of the kickstart file instead...that seems to do the trick for me." but this seems to me not so proper way, not to say a bit silly (I did not checked if it works) ; there must be another way. any ideas ? MR