may I know how you did the your custom CD bootable ? but please give me
some details of
HOW-TO like for dummies :)
Umm, this was a while ago at a different company, so this'll be from
memory.. so please bear with me ;)
... ... ...
FC4 is easier than what I did.. ;) They provide an ISO image so you can
burn your own bootable CD.
<cdrom>/images/boot.iso is your friend ;)
If you want to customize it, you should be able to loop-mount it, and make
If you want to fully customize it, the isolinux instructions
( will help.
But yea, 'cd /tmp;mkdir boot;mount -oloop boot.iso boot/', remove some of
the msg files that aren't needed, customize 'isolinux.cfg', throw a 'ks.cfg'
in to the fray, and away you go.
thanks everybody for your time
can i boot form CD 1 of FC3 and when I get the "boot> " wirte :
boot> linux ks=http://some.server/ks.cfg ip=
netmask= gateway= dns=
You said you have a DHCP server, why not use it? anyway..
and after take the CD out, because i suppose that he will take the
packages that I specified inside the ks.cfg from the http server?
I can't remember if it tries to access the boot media again, but it will
take the packages from the source defined in the ks.cfg file, where ever
it came from, i.e. I used to use a HTTP ks, with NFS packages.
i have many servers to do the same, so I think i will put everything in
the http server, with different ks.cfg
*nod* good.
do i need to have all of the packages in the same directory?
There are two ways. Yes, one is to put all the packages in the
Fedora/RPMS/ structure (as it appears on the CD's), so all the RPM's end
up in the same directory. The other involves using ISO files, but that
isn't available for all file-transfer methods.
Reading the documentation on setting up a KS server would help:
(part 8+9) and
>4. is it possible to do the kickstart installation with a diskette? if
yes, how?
It's possible to put the kickstart file on a floppy, but you can't boot
from one as the install images have grown too large in recent releases.
What I did was to create a custom bootable CD with update network and IO
drivers on it for my systems, but I was using dynamically generated ks
configurations, and DHCP in order to automate the entire process.
An alternative I'd recommend looking into if you'll be doing a lot of
installs is network booting, where all the configuration can live on the
server and there's no need to create custom floppies or CDs per host or
per subnet.
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