----- Original Message -----
From: "Jason L Tibbitts III" <tibbs@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "Discussion list about Kickstart" <kickstart-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2005 7:32 PM
Subject: Re: Flash Drive
"GP" == Gary P <list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
GP> when i run your script, heres what i get
That wasn't really a script, it was just some information on how you
might go about making your own diskboot.img if you wanted to do it by
hand. I included it without knowing the complete nature of your
problem or your experience level.
You should just take the distro-provided diskboot.img and put it on
the drive. Nothing more. Get into the details if you want to hack
After running the dd command (and it finaly finished, heres the contents of
the stick) do i still have to run something like syslinux on the device??
[root@localhost stick]# dir
boot.cat general.msg ldlinux.sys param.msg snake.msg syslinux.cfg
boot.msg initrd.img options.msg rescue.msg splash.lss vmlinuz