-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Klaus, I decided to copy the anaconda ks list after I finished writing the notes below. Klaus Steden wrote: > Hello, > > I would like to contribute something to the Anaconda Wiki. That's great news. > > I have developed an approach for inserting code (not just '%pre' stuff) into > the kickstart procedure, and a number of people on the kickstart list have > asked me for more info. I thought it would be easier and more helpful if I > were to make this info available through the official Anaconda channels, > rather than emailing a bunch of people and having the info get lost in the > ether. That sounds very interesting. > > I understand that you maintain this section of the Fedora Wiki; what is the > best way to get this info online (if you think it's a bad idea, feel free to > tell me to go lump it :>). Go here http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FrontPage Do this.... Welcome to the [WWW] Fedora Project Wiki. The purpose of this wiki is to provide an external resource for Fedora Developers and Users inside and outside of Red Hat to share information and work together on plans. In order to help in the editing you must first setup an account by going to UserPreferences. After that, inform someone within the EditGroup, so that they can add you. ...please let me know when you are done so that I can add you. MoinMoin likes "CamelCase" wiki names and user names i.e. KlausSteden, if you are not familiar with wiki links made this way. Klaus..It would be great to have you contribute what you'd like. The Anaconda page is located here http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Anaconda. I started converting the rau wiki with notes here http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/GregMorgan. Then I decided half way through that Mr Rau was in process of revising the wiki and I was trying to convert two pages per page in some cases. I also realized that the Rau wiki covered just part of what anaconda needed in the way of documentation. I have been trying to get this wiki, http://phpwebsite-comm.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php , to a place that I can switch back to the Anaconda wiki. I am Dr kludge on that wiki. (SourceForge.net is having mysql database resource issues right now so the wiki paints slow. You may have to click the links twice.) Anyhow, It looks like Jeremy Katz has recently reorganized the anaconda focus along similar lines to what I have been thinking https://www.redhat.com/archives/kickstart-list/2005-June/msg00064.html: 1.) A Basic CD install was needed. Stuart Ellis and Paul W. Frields have created an updated CD installation guide here http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/AnacondaBuildDocProject. Docbook drives me crazy at this point but that's where the doc project would like to take all the documentation in the wiki too, if you didn't know. 2.) A linux prompt cmdline boot guide. New users don't always know how to combine the basic encyclopedic list of parms into something useful. The section needs to be "cookbook oriented". One of these topics would include creating an install tree and show new users how to install from that or how to use the iso directory method. 3.) The install tree topic could then be a segue into remastering the Fedora distribution. There are a whole bunch of small skills a user needs to learn to know how to remaster the four CD Fedora set into one CD, for example. Remastering may be the place to talk about creating install classes. 4.) There needs to be a demo section on how to create a kickstart file. There's pieces all over the net on how to create the kickstrt file. One problem is that people don't understand that they have a live machine that they can script at two points during the installation. So I thought of taking http://www.gforge.org (they just released 4.5) or http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Help:Installation http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Apache_config as an example project. You see if you create an install tree, or remaster the CDs you can put all the files you need on the last CD and script the rest of the install of the application on the new Fedora box. Although I have not tried it yet, I believe yum can be used in the kickstart %post section. That may be another way to handle this in the having additional files available in the post section. The demo would show a person how to collect all the pieces to create a kickstart file. This guide would also then refer back to the command line section of part two. It looks like you have some interesting ideas for this area too....go for it. 5.) Part three is also a segue into the last part that is required for exposing all of Anaconda. This is the section on how to obtain the sources and modify both the phase one C boot code and phase two python installation code. I think presenting the ideas in the order above would help make mastering the programming learning curve easier to handle. I started using MoinMoin wiki at the beginning of the year. We ran into space problems on sourceforge.net. I created my very own denial of service with the MoinMoin wiki on SourceForge. It saves a whole copy of each document that is changed for diffs. There's a 100 meg limit on SF's web server. :P Anyhow we had to switch to MediaWiki. MediaWiki is the wiki engine behind http://www.wikipedia.org and all of its sister projects. I have come across some interesting tools that may help document the data structures used in Anaconda. In the link earlier, msg00064, Jeremy mentions the comps file documentation http://rhlinux.redhat.com/anaconda/comps.html. I am thinking of some key pictures of the comps file using graphviz code would help the documentation. I have been playing with this idea here http://phpwebsite-comm.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php?title=Graphviz_Code and here http://phpwebsite-comm.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php?title=PhpWebSite_Root Many new users get mixed up on the document root of a web server and this picture may help me revise the document once again. As noted in the Graphviz_Code page MediaWiki has extensions that takes graphviz code and generates both the web image map and graphic on the fly. Then anyone can edit the graphic without having to have gimp or dia tools. The packages for graphviz and ploticus are in extras, by the way. Anyhow, key pictures can be generated with the CLI tools and put in the web pages. I am not yet sure where to upload graphics to the fedora wiki so that they can be included in the wiki pages, yet. I think the graphics would be a nice touch for both the install tree and comps documentation. I used the pl code from the LJ article below to generated the initial images and then revised the file. 6.) Finally, The last section is to create a wiki FAQ. So if you look at this page http://phpwebsite-comm.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php?title=User_FAQ you can see how I am using actual questions from forum posts to create the question. Then if you click on the link, it will take you to the answer. The answer is then in the context of the other surrounding documentation. You only have to maintain the answer in one spot and not two as with other FAQs. I believe MoinMoin can do something similar. I did not understand wiki's until around November 2004. Now I wonder why I haven't used them before now. <shamelessplug> Here's a link to a new page that I am writing on a new wiki module for phpWebSite that Blindman1344 has authored. It sums up my thoughts on wiki use for the last six months that I have used 'em. http://phpwebsite-comm.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php?title=Wiki </shamelessplug> * Use the release early and release often creed. Unfortunately, the page may look like a mess at first but eventually it all pulls together. * Take the good parts of emails like this to begin a document. * Wiki's make it easy to revise and reorganize. * Don't be afraid to help revise other people's work. That's the whole point of a wiki is that it is a team effort. * Don't be upset if other people edit your work. It's a team effort. * Wiki's have diff engines and history pages so you can see how you or other writers have made. * Try to find a way to build a community around the wiki. This email is an attempt to draw more people into the Anaconda wiki. Here's some links that may be helpful. http://www.linux-magazine.com/issue/55/Wiki_And_Blog_Intro.pdf http://www.linux-magazine.com/issue/55/TWiki.pdf http://www.linux-magazine.com/issue/41/Moin_Moin_Wiki.pdf http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/7275 http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/7583 http://www.oddmuse.org/cgi-bin/wiki http://www.usemod.com/cgi-bin/mb.pl?WikiLifeCycle http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Mediawiki_Extensions http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/EasyTimeline http://www.islandseeds.org/wiki/Test:Graphviz Greg -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux) Comment: Using GnuPG with Fedora - http://enigmail.mozdev.org iD8DBQFC6fEyxyxe5L6mr7IRAjeJAKCMs3pAULz9KOM6Zhm59Q5LbDTLCQCgn/Wu b3O2ytc3uJQd9luQlcU6fA4= =ScmS -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----