Dan Carpenter wrote:
On 7/14/05, Dan Trainor <info@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hey, one more update for you all -
It is indeed a network issue of some sort. I set the IP addressing to
be of type DHCP, and I did not run into my problem.
I'm hoping someone can answer my question here, as this would be an
incredible help.
That's far to vague... AND YOU KNOW IT.
Based on the fact that you have said it works with dhcp and not with a
static IP address my complete guess is that it's because of the
`hostname`. Unfortunately, I have no idea what hostname anaconda uses
with a dhcp or when you set a static IP. But I like to play guessing
games. :)
dan carpenter
Vague, perhaps, if you didn't read the rest of the thread ;)
This really bums me out. Like I said, I imagine that there's some
networking component that I'm missing here, causing this operation to
fail. I'll hack at it some more tomorrow.