Klaus Steden wrote:
Thanks for the heads-up Brian. Does this mean that the list that Jeremy
had posted does not apply for RHEL3+ systems?
It means you no longer need to have the packages section or run
getfullcomps.py. You just have groups and grouphierarchy. Look at the
comps.xml that comes on the ISO and you'll see what I mean.
What's the official procedure for rolling your own comps.xml in the meantime?
I don't think Red Hat officially supports re-doing the kickstart image.
We have developed some open-source tools that help you in this effort:
http://kickstart-tools.sf.net. The kickstart-tools RPM includes
"build_ks" which takes a config file full of RPMs and makes comps.xml,
runs genhdlist, pkgorder, etc. I've also recently added yumrepo and
yumgroup support to it, but that version is not on sourceforge yet. You
can define a list of RPMs to include in a yumrepo and create yumgroups
inside that repo all automated.