>>>>> "PR" == Philip Rowlands <phr@xxxxxxxxxxxx> writes: PR> You could fetch the Fedora Core RPMs for yum, which would almost PR> certainly just drop in. The latest ones have sqlite dependencies which might be problematic. I recommend grabbing the 2.2.x release from http://linux.duke.edu/projects/yum/download.ptml and building a custom package with your custom repos already set up in /etc/yum.repos.d. The spec makes it pretty easy to add those. PR> genhdlist builds the file which maps between package names and PR> files. It is important to note that the hdlist is used only by the installer. It is completely immaterial to yum which has its own repository metadata format (currently generated by createrepo). I have a feeling that the hdlist will go away if the installer gains the ability to install from yum repositories in FC5. On x86 systems you can generally get away with just running genhdlist when you update or add a package. On x86_64 you run a significant chance of breaking your installs if you don't also run pkgorder. (If the i686 glibc installs after the x86_64 one, stuff can break.) I run it like this: /usr/lib/anaconda-runtime/genhdlist --productpath Fedora XXX PYTHONPATH=/usr/lib/anaconda /usr/lib/anaconda-runtime/pkgorder XXX i386 Fedora > pkgorder /usr/lib/anaconda-runtime/genhdlist --productpath Fedora --fileorder pkgorder XXX replacing XXX by the full patch to the top level of your install tree (the one that contains the Fedora directory). You can probably delete "--productpath" and "Fedora" on RHEL. - J<