On Fri, 2005-05-13 at 17:18 +0200, gareth wrote: > yo, i wanted to make a kickstart boot disk, the redhat > manual said i first have to make a boot disk by imaging > images/bootdisk.img (from the cd) to a formatted stiffy disk. > however the only .img file under images is diskboot.img > which's 6MB? > Fedora Core and Red Hat Enterprise Linux (4) no longer support booting from floppy disks. If you want to boot from CD and use a kickstart config held on a floppy disk, that is fine. Just put the ks.cfg file in the root directory of your floppy, boot the CD with ks=floppy option. -- Jesse Keating RHCE (geek.j2solutions.net) Fedora Legacy Team (www.fedoralegacy.org) GPG Public Key (geek.j2solutions.net/jkeating.j2solutions.pub) Was I helpful? Let others know: http://svcs.affero.net/rm.php?r=jkeating