You might consider looking at how much of what distinguishes your kickstart files could actually be done with cfengine instead. Your example of root passwords is exactly the kind of thing that could be in your cfengine configuration files, rather than in kickstart. Even packages, above and beyond the base and core groups, can be installed via cfengine, rather than the packages list in the kickstart file. And adding a little runtime flexibility to kickstart can take care of the fringe cases, avoiding the need for a special kickstart file for one or two machines. I've posted before about how to allow for runtime changes, to an otherwise default partitioning scheme for example. -Ed On Fri, 2005-04-15 at 02:07, Eric Doutreleau wrote: > Hi > > we re maitaining hundreds of linux machine with a lot of different > profiles. > for that we use kickstart for installation and yum and cfengine for > maintaining the machine. > > but right now mainting our kickstart files is becoming really a mess. > we have a lot of different kickstart files and it s really difficult to > maintain all these files. > > for exemple when we want to change the root password for a small subset > of our machines it becomes a pain in all the kickstart files. > > Has someone already succeeded in maintaining all its kickstart file up > to date? > > i'm considering using cfengine for that in the "kickstart" server. > any ideas about that? > > > > _______________________________________________ > Kickstart-list mailing list > Kickstart-list@xxxxxxxxxx >