I've recently been trying to add a couple custom packages
to my RHEL3 install tree for use with kickstart. I've run
into problems, and have found no clear and definitive
instructions nor documentation about the listed commands so
I'm turning here for help. I've tried a couple rounds of this.
The first time, I edited comps.xml, and then simply ran:
/usr/lib/anaconda-runtime/genhdlist $rhroot
...ran my kickstart and ended up with a system without
kernel packages. Found some additional instructions, and ran:
/usr/lib/anaconda-runtime/genhdlist $rhroot
/usr/lib/anaconda-runtime/pkgorder $rhroot i386 >
/usr/lib/anaconda-runtime/genhdlist --fileorder
$rhroot/RedHat/base/pkgorder $rhroot
Using pkgorder first was helpful, as I ended up with a booting
system, but it seemed that my RPM database was corrupt or some
such thing, because up2date hung, and rpm commands seemed to
segfault, even rpm --rebuilddb segfaulted.
Going back to the stock redhat base files gave me a working
installation again. So now I'm stuck. According to a couple
posts I've read, some people suggest running genhdlist with
--withnumbers for RHEL3. And another post I saw suggested
running ./buildinstall after genhdlist.
I'm assuming people on this list have gotten this stuff working
under RHEL3. Does anyone have a definitive example for what
the procedure is under RHEL3? Are these commands documented
Thanks for any help you may be able to provide.
Take care,
Casey Feskens <cfeskens@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
System Administrator/Network Svcs. Consultant
Willamette Integrated Technology Services
Willamette University, Salem, OR