hello, I am trying to implement a customized kickstart system, that pulls variables for almost everything.. it should take the original http://IPOFSERVER/ks/ks.cfg and parse out the IP (in %pre) to make the IP a KSSERVER variable. anyway, my problem is this.. I am trying to make the KSSERVER and OS directory (rh9,fc2, etc) dynamic for the url --url http://IPOFSERVER/OS The way i am trying to do this, is to dynamically create the data in pre, and create a /tmp/url.cfg. In the main body of the ks.cfg, a: %include /tmp/url.cfg exists. Should this work? When i statically have the 'url --url' line in, it seems to at least move through the %pre.. However, when the url is dynamic, it doesn't even process the %pre (even though %pre happens before 'url --url' is proccessed (I imagine that kickstart does some kind of sanity check on all kickstart syntax before doing %pre) Does anyone have any idea on this? If necessary, i can send my entire setup. thanks, Matt Schillinger mschillinger (at) wellinx.com