Re: Fwd: Problem with mkiso - Solved

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Anytime you see a 'Violación de segmento' or 'segmentation fault' that is the point where you have to begin your trouble shooting. If you would have tried FC1 you may have experienced the same error. It may be helpful for you to print out the documentation located here or here or paste the steps in a file. As you perform the steps place a check mark by each step or sub-step. This will help you remember where you are if you are interrupted in the process or help you remember the next thing to do. If a step fails you must resolve it before proceeding. This is exactly what I did with the 'Input/output error' messages. When I looked at my copy target directory, it did not have the isolinux directory for example. So if your start using this type of technique, you will be more successful. You will also enjoy what you can do with the open source tools.


Edgar Chillón 'Chillux' wrote:
Men, it works !!! Really truly thanks !!!!!

The error was that I forgot this step:

ind /home/fdrive/fc2iso -name TRANS.TBL -exec rm -f
 {} \;

Thanks !
--- Greg Morgan escribió:

I was bored tonight so I thought I would fool around
with your issue. If you are planning to make changes to the CD set, then you will want to go through and perform all the steps as described in the documentation. The following steps bypass much of the

I tried the steps on a real FC2 cd that I installed
from. I received the following errors. They appear to be fatal to
cp: reading `/mnt/cdrom/Fedora/base/comps.rpm':
Input/output error
cp: reading `/mnt/cdrom/Fedora/base/hdlist':
Input/output error
cp: reading `/mnt/cdrom/Fedora/base/hdlist2':
Input/output error
Moreover, not all of the directories were copied
from the cd into my working directory.

Since I still had the ISO file that I used to create
the CD with I tried these steps. They are a little different from the two sites listed below but have the same intent. You will have to adapt the file paths to your system. (The pathing is for a samba/NFS
# Switch to root
su - root
# Go to the ISO directory location.
cd /home/ddrive/fedoracore2
# Mount the ISO file.
mount -t iso9660 -o loop FC2-i386-disc1.iso
#Make a set of working directories
mkdir -p /home/fdrive/fc2iso
mkdir -p /home/fdrive/fc2iso/i386
# Copy the files from the CD/ISO.
cp -a /mnt/cdrom/* /home/fdrive/fc2iso/i386
cp /mnt/cdrom/.discinfo /home/fdrive/fc2iso/i386
# Clean up the original cd TRANS.TBL files.
find /home/fdrive/fc2iso -name TRANS.TBL -exec rm -f
{} \;
# Go to the location of disc 1 files.
cd /home/fdrive/fc2iso/i386
# Make sure the /home/fdrive/fc2iso/i386 directory
# the same files as the /mnt/cdrom directory .
ls -l
# Make sure that I create the iso file in the
# above the directory containing the files in the
cd /home/fdrive/fc2iso
# Create the iso.  Note the \ has to be the last
# on the line.  I did this for readability on my
mkisofs -b isolinux/isolinux.bin \
-c isolinux/ -J -p "chillux@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" \
-V "Fedora Core 2 with updates disc1" \
-r -T -v -A "Fedora Core Linux/i386 2" \
-o fedoracore2-disc1.iso -no-emul-boot \
-boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table -l i386

The final output showed:
 99.18% done, estimate finish Wed Oct 13 21:52:39
Total translation table size: 131221
Total rockridge attributes bytes: 54553
Total directory bytes: 96256
Path table size(bytes): 94
Done with: The File(s) Block(s) 332482
Writing:   Ending Padblock         Start Block
Done with: Ending Padblock         Block(s)    150
Max brk space used 8e000
332739 extents written (649 MB)

# I am done with the mounted ISO file so unmount the
umount /mnt/cdrom

My version of mkisofs is 2.01a27.

I hope this helps,

Edgar Chillón 'Chillux' wrote:

Sooo ? what do I have to do ? I copyed the disc 1
again and I have the same problem !!!!

Any ideas ? or I will have to go back to fedora

core 1



--- Edgar Chillón 'Chillux'



I did it as the manual said:

cp -R /mnt/cdrom/* /mnt/fedora-custom
cp /mnt/cdrom/.discinfo /mnt/fedora-custom

Then I tryed to create the iso but it send me that
error. I thoungh it was a disk problem, I tryed in
other disk and the problem is the same ... I don't
know how to do, I've tryed to find some of this in
google but I didnt find anything ...

Please, some body help ..

--- Greg Morgan escribió:

Edgar Chillón 'Chillux' wrote:

Can some body explain me what do I have this



The clue may be in this statement

I am occuping the Fedora Core 2, I didnt


anything, I just simple copy the first disk


try to

make it iso but I didnt work ...

How did you "copy" the first disk?  When


these instructions,

did you perform steps 1, 2, 3--just for CD ONE,


7? I point this out because of the segmentation fault during the directory tree writing step, "> Writing: Directory tree"

[root@chillux fedora-custom]# mkisofs -b
isolinux/isolinux.bin -c isolinux/ -J -p
"chillux@xxxxxxxxxxxxx"  -V "Fedora Core 2 with
updates disc1" -r -T -v -A "Fedora Core



-o fedoracore2-disc1.iso -no-emul-boot


4 -boot-info-table -l i386

Your mkisofs options look good based on


INFO:   UTF-8 character encoding detected by


      Assuming UTF-8 encoded filenames on


      use -input-charset to override.
mkisofs 2.01 (i686-pc-linux-gnu)
Scanning i386
Scanning i386/Fedora
Scanning i386/Fedora/base
Scanning i386/Fedora/rpms
Scanning i386/images
Scanning i386/images/pxeboot
Scanning i386/isolinux
Excluded by match: i386/isolinux/


Writing: Initial Padblock

Start Block 0
Done with: Initial Padblock

Block(s)    16
Writing: Primary Volume Descriptor

Start Block 16
Done with: Primary Volume Descriptor

Block(s)    1
Writing: Eltorito Volume Descriptor

Start Block 17
Size of boot image is 4 sectors -> No emulation
Done with: Eltorito Volume Descriptor

Block(s)    1
Writing: Joliet Volume Descriptor

Start Block 18
Done with: Joliet Volume Descriptor

Block(s)    1
Writing: End Volume Descriptor

Start Block 19
Done with: End Volume Descriptor

Block(s)    1
Writing: Version block

Start Block 20
Done with: Version block

Block(s)    1
Writing: Path table

Start Block 21
Done with: Path table

Block(s)    4
Writing: Joliet path table

Start Block 25
Done with: Joliet path table

Block(s)    4
Writing: Directory tree

Start Block 29
Violación de segmento

Why the fault here?

I tried the same with this:
mkisofs -J -p "user@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" -P "Red Hat"



-V "Fedora Core 1 with updates disc2" -v -A


Core Linux/i386 1" -o fedoracore1-disc2.iso i386
but I need the first image bootable !!!

I am occuping the Fedora Core 2, I didnt change
anything, I just simple copy the first disk and

try to

make it iso but I didnt work ...

Any idea ?

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