Re: Strange problems with dialog in %post

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Considering the mention of $LANG, why don't you set $LANG in your
postinstall script for testing purposes?

export LANG=en_US and then the dialog statements.


On Wed, 2004-08-18 at 11:44, Daniel Segall wrote:
> Hey all,
> I'm trying to finish up some custom kickstarts, and I'm down to this last
> problem. I run a post-install script (using dialog) with a series of
> questions for adding a machine to our environment (NIS, IP, etc). I
> figured out how to get them working interactively with the chvt command,
> and everything works as it should.
> My problem is that I'm getting strange (ascii?) characters in all of my
> dialog boxes where the lines (borders) should be. I have tried several
> variations to my dialog commands, but none has worked. If I go to vt2 and
> manually run the script, it shows up fine, so I believe the problem is
> something environmental to vt3. Like I said before, everything actually
> works, I can input the info it asks for, and it progresses through the
> different dialogs just fine. It just looks messed up. Below are the
> important sections of my ks.cfg & the post install script it calls.
> ks.cfg
> ======================================================
> %post --interpreter /bin/sh
> exec < /dev/tty3 > /dev/tty3
> chvt 3
> cat <<EOF >>/etc/motd
> #######################################
> #######################################
> `cat /etc/redhat-release` - Installed `date`
> cat /etc/motd >>/root/ks.log
> cat /etc/motd
> cd /root
> echo " * Mounting our NFS share..."
> # Create a mount point, mount the kickstart NFS share, & grab the
> post-install script
> mkdir /mnt/ks
> mount -r -o nolock /mnt/ks
> echo " * Copying config files from share..."
> cp /mnt/ks/ /root/
> cp /mnt/ks/redhatconfig.tar.gz /root
> -- snip --
> # Execute our post install
> echo "  "                                       >>/root/ks.log
> if [ -f /root/ ]; then
>         echo " * Executing Post-Install..."     >>/root/ks.log
>         echo " * Executing Post-Install..."
>         chmod +x /root/
>         exec /root/         >>/root/ks.log
> else
>         echo "Can't find" >>/root/ks.log
>         echo "Can't find"
> fi
> # We done.
> echo " * Post-Install complete. System rebooting." >>/root/ks.log
> echo " * Post-Install complete. System rebooting."
> chvt 1
> sleep 10
> exit 0
> #EOF
> ======================================================
> ======================================================
> #!/bin/bash
> BT="ITRC Linux Post-Install"
> # Exit the script if it has already been run.
> if [ -f /tmp/postinstall.done ]
> then
>         dialog --backtitle "$BT" --title "Error!" --msgbox "This script
> has already been run.  Remove /tmp/postinstall.done if you want to
> continue." 0 0
>     exit
> fi
> touch /tmp/postinstall.done
> #####################################
> ######### Define Variables ##########
> #####################################
> dialog --backtitle "$BT" --title "NIS" --yesno "Is this system going into
> NIS?" 0 0
> if [ $? -eq 0 ]
> then
>         IPADDR=`dialog --backtitle "$BT" --title "IP Address?" --stdout
> --inputbox "Enter your IP address" 0 0`
>         HNAME=`dialog --backtitle "$BT" --title "Hostname?" --stdout
> --inputbox "Enter your hostname (without domain)" 0 0`
> else
>         dialog --backtitle "$BT" --title "See Ya!" --msgbox "Your on your
> own, Big Admin" 0 0
>         exit
> fi
> --snip--
> ======================================================
> Thanks,
> -Dan
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     IT Data Center Systems          |       .|||.       .|||.
     Cisco Linux Developer           |   ..:|||||||:...:|||||||:..
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