The ks.cfg file was generated by the vendor for use in installations, not by me. The file starts out: interactive install lang en_US.UTF-8 langsupport --default en_US.UTF-8 --default en_US.UTF-8 #Probe for Mouse #Probe for Video Card rootpw --incrypted XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX <- the X's just mean I'm not typing them here ;-) reboot firewall --disabled authconfig timezone --utc America/Chicago clearpart --all --initlabel part /boot --fstype ext3 --size=100 part pv.9 --size=4100 --grow part swap --size=4096 volgroup Volume00 pv.9 logvol / --fstype ext3 --name=LogVol00 --vgname=Volume00 --size=4100 --grow