I know for every flavor of Red Hat that I've KickStart'ed with
(RH7.3 and newer), stdout for %post is on tty3, although you could
change your echo statements to be anything that you wanted.
jason.ctr.alburger@xxxxxxx wrote:
RH 7.2
Is it possible to run a script that requests user inputs during the post
installation script phase of a kickstart installation? I'm trying to set
some network configurations based on user inputs with a script at the
bottom of the ks.cfg file in the "%post" section, but I never even see the
"echo" statements that are in the %post section.
Thanks in advance,
Jason Alburger
CPDLC Engineer
Joseph Sheairs Associates, Inc.
Kickstart-list mailing list
John S. Monaco
System Administrator & "Linux Dude"
WW Make IT
E-mail: xjmonaco@xxxxxx
Phone: (214) 567-5831