Hi Brian,
Yes there's an easy way of changing the hostname in FC2.
after Login just at command line enter 'hostname' to see what is the
hostname seted there, if returns localhost then you have to change this in
1. '/etc/sysconfig/network' edit this file and give hostname whatever you
like in the line "hostname=" and then save this file and at the command line
give the hostname command but now also you will get the same old host name
as 'localhost' so set the hostname using command hostname (for eg: hostname
vikas -- here hostname command will set the hostname as vikas, pls note
that the name you are giving for the host name must be same as the hostname
you have specified in '/etc/sysconfig/network' file.
2. '/etc/hosts' edit this file and this file would look like
" IPAddress hostname localhost.localdomain localhost"
in the place of hostname give the name as you wish(in the example same as
hostname given in /etc/sysconfig/network file and hostname setted at command
line), and save this file
3. Now restart the NFS and Network service by using the command 'service nfs
restart' and
'service network restart'
4. Restart your computer inorder to take effect the changes you have done.
now onwards your hostname will be setted as you had given in the above
(Be careful in following the above steps, because if you do the single
mistake also it may cause your system problem in booting or functioning)
if further doubts send an email to me.
all the best.
From: Brian Akins <bakins@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Reply-To: Discussion list about Kickstart <kickstart-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
To: Discussion list about Kickstart <kickstart-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Fedora core 2 and hostname
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 2004 12:30:55 -0400
Is there an easy way to get the hostname in post in FC2. hostname just
returns localhost
I'm using dhcp.
Brian Akins
Senior Systems Engineer
CNN Internet Technologies
Kickstart-list mailing list
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