Andy, What kind of ethernet NIC do you have? (e1000 driver?) I've been fighting this problem for quite some time - trying to get kickstart via NFS to work. I finally found a solution!!!! It requires changing anaconda and rebuilding the entire distribution. I'll be reporting on this as soon as I am confident in the accuracy of the method. Basically it requires checking for failures in such things as attempting an NFS mount (or in your example getting a DHCP lease) and trying again (perhaps multiple times) if the initial attempts fail. Granted, this seems like a patch but I'm not sure what the 'correct' solution should be. It does seem that this is going to work for me - at least to get kickstart going. Having said that, there are still failures obtaining the IP address via PXE during boots subsequent to the install. I haven't determined what to do to resolve this yet. Thanks, Joe