After a couple of requests I decided to post this. Attached is my whole kickstart file. Below are the sections that automatically configure the disks. The drives are configured like so: 100MB /boot on first disk 1GB / on first disk 1GB /tmp on first disk ($drive_size / 15) /usr on first disk ($drive_size / 15) /var on first disk Recommended swap size on first disk Anything left on first disk is configured as /home If there is a second disk, partition the whole thing as /backup If there is a scsi disk (/dev/sda exists): - use it as the first drive - if a second scsi disk exists use it as the second drive (/dev/sdb) - or if an ide disk exists, use it as the second drive If there are no scsi disks (/dev/sda is absent): - use /dev/hda as first drive - if /dev/hdb exists, use it as the second drive It is a somwhat static configuration, however this is our standard configuration for machines and it can be easily changed when needed. The script can't be 100% flexible without user intervention. Email me with any questions. Joe Glass ------- # I believe %include has to be before the %pre section # (Somewhat confusing in this context) %include /tmp/part-include %pre --interpreter /usr/bin/python import commands import os import string import sys import re script_name = sys.argv[0] output = commands.getoutput('fdisk -l') pattern = "sda" matchobj =, output) if matchobj: scsi = "yes" else: scsi = "no" pattern = "sdb" matchobj =, output) if matchobj: scsi2 = "yes" else: scsi2 = "no" pattern = "hda" matchobj =, output) if matchobj: ide = "yes" else: ide = "no" pattern = "hdb" matchobj =, output) if matchobj: ide2 = "yes" else: ide2 = "no" if scsi == "yes": drive1 = "sda" drive1_size = commands.getoutput('fdisk -l').strip() pattern = "sda: (\d+)" matchobj =, drive1_size) if matchobj: drive1_size = if scsi2 == "yes": drive2 = "sdb" elif ide == "yes": drive2 = "hda" if scsi == "no": if ide == "yes": drive1 = "hda" drive1_size = commands.getoutput('fdisk -l').strip() pattern = "hda: (\d+)" matchobj =, drive1_size) if matchobj: drive1_size = if ide2 == "yes": drive2 = "hdb" drive1_size = float(drive1_size) drive_size_m = int(drive1_size) * 1024 boot_size = 100; var_size = int(drive_size_m)/15 usr_size = int(drive_size_m)/15 root_size = 1024 tmp_size = 1024 f = open('/tmp/part-include', 'w') f.write("""# Drive partitioning information determined from %s clearpart --all --initlabel part /boot --fstype ext3 --size=%s --ondisk=%s --asprimary part /var --fstype ext3 --size=%s --ondisk=%s part /usr --fstype ext3 --size=%s --ondisk=%s --asprimary part / --fstype ext3 --size=%s --ondisk=%s part swap --recommended --ondisk=%s --asprimary part /tmp --fstype ext3 --size=%s --ondisk=%s part /home --fstype ext3 --size=1 --grow --ondisk=%s """ %(script_name, boot_size, drive1, var_size, drive1, usr_size, drive1, root_size, drive1, drive1, tmp_size, drive1, drive1) ) try: drive2 except NameError: f.write('# no backup selected\n') else: f.write('part /backup --fstype ext3 --size=1 --grow --ondisk=%s' % drive2) f.close() On Tue, 2004-06-01 at 09:30, Joseph Glass wrote: > Hi David, > > I run a python script in the %pre section to detect what type/sizes of > drives the machine has and create partitioning based on the results. > > A file with partitioning information is saved in the /tmp directory. > This file is called from the ks.cfg from %include. If you'd like I can > send you what I use and you can modify it to your needs. -- Joseph Glass Systems Administrator Liquid Web Inc. 800.580.4985 x227
# Next two lines must be consecutive install nfs --server --dir /home/kickstart/FC1 lang en_US langsupport --default en_US.UTF-8 en_US.UTF-8 timezone America/Detroit keyboard us mouse none skipx text #reboot #reboot after install network --device eth0 --bootproto dhcp --hostname rootpw --iscrypted [ChangeThisHere} authconfig --enableshadow --enablemd5 bootloader --location=mbr # zerombr yes firewall --disabled %include /tmp/part-include %packages --resolvedeps @ Development Tools @ Editors @ Kernel Development @ System Tools @ Text-based Internet -irda-utils -network-server -gpm -gpm-devel %pre --interpreter /usr/bin/python import commands import os import string import sys import re script_name = sys.argv[0] output = commands.getoutput('fdisk -l') pattern = "sda" matchobj =, output) if matchobj: scsi = "yes" else: scsi = "no" pattern = "sdb" matchobj =, output) if matchobj: scsi2 = "yes" else: scsi2 = "no" pattern = "hda" matchobj =, output) if matchobj: ide = "yes" else: ide = "no" pattern = "hdb" matchobj =, output) if matchobj: ide2 = "yes" else: ide2 = "no" if scsi == "yes": drive1 = "sda" drive1_size = commands.getoutput('fdisk -l').strip() pattern = "sda: (\d+)" matchobj =, drive1_size) if matchobj: drive1_size = if scsi2 == "yes": drive2 = "sdb" elif ide == "yes": drive2 = "hda" if scsi == "no": if ide == "yes": drive1 = "hda" drive1_size = commands.getoutput('fdisk -l').strip() pattern = "hda: (\d+)" matchobj =, drive1_size) if matchobj: drive1_size = if ide2 == "yes": drive2 = "hdb" drive1_size = float(drive1_size) drive_size_m = int(drive1_size) * 1024 boot_size = 100; var_size = int(drive_size_m)/15 usr_size = int(drive_size_m)/15 root_size = 1024 tmp_size = 1024 f = open('/tmp/part-include', 'w') f.write("""# Drive partitioning information determined from %s clearpart --all --initlabel part /boot --fstype ext3 --size=%s --ondisk=%s --asprimary part /var --fstype ext3 --size=%s --ondisk=%s part /usr --fstype ext3 --size=%s --ondisk=%s --asprimary part / --fstype ext3 --size=%s --ondisk=%s part swap --recommended --ondisk=%s --asprimary part /tmp --fstype ext3 --size=%s --ondisk=%s part /home --fstype ext3 --size=1 --grow --ondisk=%s """ %(script_name, boot_size, drive1, var_size, drive1, usr_size, drive1, root_size, drive1, drive1, tmp_size, drive1, drive1) ) try: drive2 except NameError: f.write('# no backup selected\n') else: f.write('part /backup --fstype ext3 --size=1 --grow --ondisk=%s' % drive2) f.close() %post cat << EOF > /etc/resolv.conf domain search nameserver nameserver EOF /sbin/chkconfig portmap --level 345 off /sbin/chkconfig nfslock --level 345 off /sbin/chkconfig nfs --level 345 off /sbin/chkconfig isdn --level 345 off /sbin/chkconfig sendmail --level 345 off /sbin/chkconfig pcmcia --level 345 off rm -rf /root/anaconda-ks.cfg