On Sat, 29 May 2004, Martin Rheumer wrote: >My dilema is simple. <PEDANT MODE> A dilemma is a choice between [two] alternatives. This isn't one. </PM> >I want to add things like the new kernel and perl packages from a >redhat update ( Redhat network subscribed ) to the original list of >files in my http /Redhat/RPMS directory and get my fully functional >kickstart routines to install them. > >1. Is this possible ? Sure. >2. Has anyone got a how to handy. ? Depends which media you install from. At a high level: 1. Replace old packages with new in RedHat/RPMS directory 2. Run genhdlist (from anaconda-runtime package) to rebuild file in RedHat/base (BTW, genhdlist is not statically linked any more - anyone know why?) HTTP/NFS is easier than rebuilding CDs. >3. Is this the right list to ask on ? The above is not the only way - anaconda now supports an "Updates" directory, which was used for RHEL3U1 but not RHEL3U2. Another reply suggests doing the updates in a %post, but that has time and storage implications for the install. I prefer to pre-patch. If you've got a RHEL3 subscription, be sure to download Update 2, which fixes a few issues in the installer. Cheers, Phil