Never used the cdrom option.
I use this:
append initrd=initrd.img lang= devfs=nomount ramdisk_size=8192 vga=788
then I put the kickstart file in the initrd.img file system, which is on
the cdrom when I make it bootable.
cd isolinux
gunzip -c initrd.img >initrd.img.unzip
mkdir -p loop
mount -o loop initrd.img.unzip loop/
cp ks.cfg ./loop/tmp/
umount loop/
gzip -9 -c initrd.img.unzip > initrd.img
rm -rf initrd.img.unzip
then use mkisofs to create your cdrom.
Avrahami David wrote:
I'm a newbie to kickstart and I am trying to install RHEL 3.0 by
kickstart procedure from the cdrom.
I did as following:
1) I prepared a bootable cdrom
)and put the ks.cfg
on top-level directory
Then I boot from cdrom and type on boot: linux ks=cdrom:/ks.cfg
In this stage I got the installation menus which says that kickstart
fails to read/find the ks.cfg.
It seems that ks.cfg somehow can't be read.
the ALT+F4 says: unable to identify cd-rom format
the ALT+F3says: failed to mount /dev/hdd invalid argument trying to
mount device hdd
There is no such problem if I put the same ks.cfg on floppy and boot
from cdrom and type boot: linux ks=floppy
Any clue?
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