Thomas, I appear to be dealing with a different issue on my Proliants -- if I boot from the install CD with: linux mem=exactmap mem=640k@0 mem=1023M@1M the boot actually dies even earlier -- on "loading linux" rather than on "loading the CCISS drivers". However, the fact that others are having success with the Proliant for RHL9 and FC1 gives me hope. Maybe I just need to play with my firmware settings -- what worked for me on RHL7.1 may not be working for later versions. The Proliant certainly gives you ENOUGH firmware settings to play with :-). Thanks for the tip. Marty Cameron, Thomas wrote: Actually the Proliant platform is my desired target, but I've had a good deal of trouble getting it to work with anythingbeyond RHL 7.x. Yeah, I had a bit of trouble after 7.x too. I think that there was some memory line that I used for 8.0 and 9, but IIRC, FC1 worked fine for me.See for the correct syntax for the mem entry in grub.conf. |