Marco Welter wrote:
i have a rpm package, and i want to install it at the %post script ?
The kickstart install from a dvd, and in the root of the dvd is the rpm file.
In which directory is the dvd mountet ?
hey marco
this is what i do when i want to copy just a single file over from my
installation cd to the newly installed filesystem ...
%post --nochroot
# cdrom is not mounted during post so i mount it with the --nochroot option
mkdir -p /mnt/source
mount /tmp/cdrom /mnt/source
# copy updates.conf from the cd to /tmp on the installed system
cp -f /mnt/source/RedHat/RPMS/updates.conf /mnt/sysimage/tmp
# creation of admin account - the rest of the kickstart can be performed
in normal %post mode
/usr/sbin/useradd -c 'Administrateur' -s /bin/false admin
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