Actuall you are very right I am in the installtion environment (install using PXE). I will try coping and then running in chroot.
Thanks a lot
"Taylor, ForrestX" <forrestx.taylor@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
"Taylor, ForrestX" <forrestx.taylor@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On Fri, 2004-03-19 at 09:12, raman singh wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to install OS and the am application using kickstart. I
> have the following entry in my %post section
> %post --nochroot
> /mnt/source/App.bin
> perl /mnt/source/update_rclocal
> in both the cases I am getting Error while loading shared libraries,
> although the libraries does exists and the LD_LABRARY_PATH is set
> correctly
What is your LD_LIBRARY_PATH, and where are your shared libraries? In
the --nochroot environment, you are sitting in the installation
environment, which may not have the libraries you are looking for.
Have you tried copying the files over to /mnt/sysimage/ and running them
in the chroot environment?
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