Hi all, Has anyone been successful in getting kickstart to setup a raid 1 array via kickstart. To get an idea what the config should look like I installed the machine by hand and then copied the partition information from the anaconda generated ks-cfg file. When I try to use that info to reinstall the machine anaconda backtraces. The kickstart config file looks like this: part raid.1 --noformat --onpart hda1 part raid.10 --noformat --onpart hdc1 part raid.3 --noformat --onpart hda5 part raid.12 --noformat --onpart hdc5 raid /boot --fstype ext3 --level=RAID1 raid.1 raid.10 raid / --fstype ext3 --level=RAID1 raid.3 raid.12 ... Below is a copy of the of the back trace: raceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/bin/anaconda", line 1081, in ? intf.run(id, dispatch, configFileData) File "/usr/lib/anaconda/gui.py", line 677, in run self.icw.run (self.runres, configFileData) File "/usr/lib/anaconda/gui.py", line 1306, in run self.setup_window(runres) File "/usr/lib/anaconda/gui.py", line 1278, in setup_window self.setScreen () File "/usr/lib/anaconda/gui.py", line 950, in setScreen (step, args) = self.dispatch.currentStep() File "/usr/lib/anaconda/dispatch.py", line 262, in currentStep self.gotoNext() File "/usr/lib/anaconda/dispatch.py", line 157, in gotoNext self.moveStep() File "/usr/lib/anaconda/dispatch.py", line 225, in moveStep rc = apply(func, self.bindArgs(args)) File "/usr/lib/anaconda/autopart.py", line 1328, in doAutoPartition doPartitioning(diskset, partitions, doRefresh = 0) File "/usr/lib/anaconda/autopart.py", line 990, in doPartitioning (ret, msg) = processPartitioning(diskset, requests, newParts) File "/usr/lib/anaconda/autopart.py", line 961, in processPartitioning request.size = request.getActualSize(requests, diskset) File "/usr/lib/anaconda/partRequests.py", line 619, in getActualSize partsize = req.getActualSize(partitions, diskset) AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'getActualSize' Can anyone see what I am doing wrong here? FWIW, the partitions already exist, and if I setup the partition table by hand from within anaconda the install proceeds normally. Tom