Greetings. We're trying to do a kickstart installation of Fedora 1 using
DHCP/PXE. The process fails because the installer can never find the
kickstart configuration file, which is available via NFS from a couple of
systems on our network.
On our DHCP server we have a directory:
In that directory we have a symbolic link that has a name that's the IP
address, expressed in hexadecimal, of the system that we want to kickstart, as:
A9EDxxyy --> netboot-ks.fedora.1
# cat netboot-ks.fedora.1
default linux
label linux
kernel vmlinuz-fedora.1
append ksdevice=eth0 load_ramdisk=1 initrd=initrd-fedora.1.img network
The address "" is the address of a server that exports a
/fedora file system. We have verified that other systems in our network
can mount:
"by hand", after which one can see the ks.cfg file. Also, the /fedora file
system is exported to our entire domain.
We've used two different servers for the "" system, one of which is
the DHCP/PXE server itself, and the other of which is the server that
contains our online Fedora distribution. We get the same (null) result
with both systems.
The installation always begins successfully, in that the correct kernel and
initrd appear to be downloaded to the client system. But after that we
always get dropped into an interactive installation (i.e., no
kickstart). If we check the progress window (CTRL-ALT-F3), we always get
messages similar to:
* doing kickstart... setting it up
* reverse name lookup worked
* url is
* file location: nfs://
* failed to mount nfs source
We've tried a number of more or less obvious variations, including using a
different server, putting the ks.cfg file in /fedora and in /fedora/ks/ks/,
etc., all to no avail.
Can any of you point us in the right direction? Thanks.
- Mike
Michael Hannon mailto:hannon@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Dept. of Physics 530.752.4966
University of California 530.752.4717 FAX
Davis, CA 95616-8677