I want to use a local harddisk to which I can download the fedora core 1 iso images and copy some local data from a running system. I have a dedicated ide hard disk (/dev/hdb) which only exists for that purpose. My understanding was that the kickstart "clearpart --linux" option would keep non-linux partitions unchanged during installation. On the running system, I execute following script: ... # clear partition tables dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hdb count=20 # create single vfat partition spanning whole disk echo ",,b" | /sbin/sfdisk /dev/hdb # format partition FAT 32 bit /sbin/mkdosfs -F 32 /dev/hdb1 ... When my ks.cfg has the line "clearpart --linux --initlabel", my wonderful vfat partition with all the data I need for installation is lost. When it has the line "clearpart --drives=hda --initlabel", everything almost works as intended (except that a warning appears about unaligned partitions, which requires human intervention to click the "ignore" button) So I have two questions now: 1) Am I doing anything wrong in the way of partitioning and formatting my hdb drive as VFAT? 2) Can anybody tell me what partitions will _not_ be erased by "clearpart --linux"? -- Sincerely, K.K. Alice S. Christians