Hello :) I've made a custom CD with kickstart, and am now trying to access some files from the CD during the %post --nochroot. ---Snap ks.cfg -- %post --nochroot mkdir /mnt/sysimage/home/software cd /mnt/source/Campai cp post.tar.gz /mnt/sysimage/home/software %post cd /home/software tar -zxf post.tar.gz ./post.sh ---Snap ks.cfg -- When I switch to the alt-F3 console however during the install, I get the following errors: /tmp/ks-script: line 2: cd: /mnt/source/Campai: No such file or directory. Subsequently, the rest fails aswell. When I mount the CD locally, I can easily cd to the folder, and access the CD, so the media is good. I've run the ks.cfg through dos2unix, and hexviewed it, and the lineterminators were fine. I then tried to save the mount info at the time of the %post --nochroot script, and it showed me the following: -- Snap mounts.txt -- rootfs on / type rootfs (tw) /dev/root.old. on / type ext2 (rw) /proc on /proc type proc (rw) /dev/pts on /dev/pts type devpts (rw) /tmp/loop0 on /mnt/runtime type cramfs (ro) /tmp/hda2 on /mnt/sysimage type ext2 (rw) /tmp/hda1 on /mnt/sysimage/boot type ext2 (rw) none on /mnt/sysimage/dev/pts type devpts (rw) none on /mnt/sysimage/proc type proc (rw) -- Snap mounts.txt -- Confused, I then did an ls -al /* and looked trough that, but still couldn't find the Campai folder anywhere. Anyone that can shed some light on what exactly I'm doing wrong? It's been some time since I used this technique, but I could've sworn it worked last time. Cipri