Using redhat-8.0, I'm trying to install the /dev/hda disk from an iso image and accompanying ks.cfg file located on /dev/hda2 I'm getting the cryptic message "hda2 is a protected partition" in vt3 at the point where the kickstart explodes with a stack trace. Any ideas what it doesn't like ? - does the iso image have to be named something in particular ? - does the iso image need to be mounted, or in a subdir or something ? My /boot/grub/menu.lst file to call the kickstart looks like: title kickstart from hda2 root (0,1) kernel /vmlinuz-ks root=/dev/ram devfs=nomount \ ramdisk_size=9216 ks=hd:hda2/ks.cfg initrd /initrd-ks (the kernel and initrd mentioned above are from the boot.img floppy image that came with redhat-8.0, placed manually on hda2) I can see by looking at /tmp/ks.cfg in the aborted installation that it's grabbed the ks.cfg file from the top of /dev/hda2, not the one at the top of the iso image itself. My ks.cfg file looks as follows: harddrive --partition=hda2 --dir=/ part / --fstype ext3 --size=5000 --asprimary --ondisk hda --onpart hda1 part /var/tmp/iso --fstype ext3 --size=2000 --asprimary --ondisk hda --onpart hda2 --noformat part swap --size 1000 --asprimary --ondisk=hda --onpart=hda3 Note that the installation has been previously kickstarted, so the partitions were present and set up identically with a previous kickstart of the same contents. I've also commented out all the 'part' lines above and it does try to kickstart, I'm prompted for the info and when I specify the same info, it blows up the same way. Any ideas ??? -- ---------- Vince.Skahan@xxxxxxxxxx --------- Connexion by Boeing - Cabin Network