On Thu, 3 Apr 2003 Eric.Doutreleau@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote: Well i have begin to learn python to solve my problem. Here is what i have done As i m a total beginner in python i m sure there s a lot of improvement which are possible. Moreover there s a lot of assumption that have been made -only ide disk -only one disk -no /var partition. Thanks for all people that have answered to my question in the kickstart file i have %post --nochroot chvt 3 ( mv -f /tmp/tempo/ssh_host_* /mnt/sysimage/etc/ssh mv -f /tmp/tempo/local* /mnt/sysimage/var/cfengine/ppkeys ) %pre --interpreter /usr/bin/python import urllib, os partition_script="/tmp/backupkey.py" if not os.path.exists(partition_script): url="ftp://crotale.int-evry.fr/pub/ks/backupkey.py" urllib.urlretrieve(url, partition_script) os.system('chmod 755 ' + partition_script) os.system(partition_script) And here is my backupkey.py script #!/usr/bin/python import os,sys,string hds="" mymedia="" device="" prefdev="/dev/" tmproot="/tmp/root" tmptempo="/tmp/tempo" roo="" va="" numhd=0 for nomfichier in os.popen("ls -1d /proc/ide/h*/media").readlines(): print "NOMF" , nomfichier , "\n" comm = "cat " + nomfichier media=string.strip(os.popen(comm).readline()) if media == "disk": parameters = string.split(nomfichier,"/") print parameters device= parameters[3] print nomfichier, device , media , "\n" numhd = numhd +1 print "NUMHD" , numhd commande = "/usr/sbin/fdisk -l /dev/" + device + " | grep -i linux | grep -v Echange" for ligne2 in os.popen(commande).readlines(): num=1 #print ligne2, "\n" devi = string.split(ligne2," ") part = devi[0] comm="/usr/sbin/e2label " + part for ligne3 in os.popen(comm).readlines(): l = ligne3[:-1] if l == "/": roo = part if l == "/var": va = part print "LIGNE" , l , "\n" print "ROOT" , roo, "VAR" , va , "\n" if va == "/var": print "deux partoches\n" else: comm = "mkdir " + tmproot os.popen(comm) comm = "mkdir " + tmptempo os.popen(comm); comm = "mount " + roo + " " + tmproot; print comm , "\n" os.popen(comm); comm = "cp -a " + tmproot + "/etc/ssh/ssh_host_* " + tmptempo print comm , "\n" os.popen(comm) comm = "cp -a " + tmproot +"/var/cfengine/ppkeys/localhost* " + tmptempo print comm , "\n" os.popen(comm); comm = "umount " + tmproot print comm , "\n" os.popen(comm); > > hi > > i m wondering if someone has already written a %pre kickstart script > to backup ssh keys in order to put them back in place in the post > kickstart script. > > Thanks in advance for any help > > > > -- Eric Doutreleau I.N.T | Tel : +33 (0) 160764687 9 rue Charles Fourier | Fax : +33 (0) 160764321 91011 Evry France | email : Eric.Doutreleau@xxxxxxxxxxx