OK, Here is the code from the kickstart.py file that acutally runs a script (%pre or %post) in anaconda: def run(self, chroot, serial): scriptRoot = "/" if self.inChroot: scriptRoot = chroot path = scriptRoot + "/tmp/ks-script" f = open(path, "w") f.write(self.script) f.close() os.chmod(path, 0700) if serial: messages = "/tmp/ks-script.log" else: messages = "/dev/tty3" rc = iutil.execWithRedirect(self.interp, [self.interp,"/tmp/ks-script"], stdout = messages, stderr = messages, root = scriptRoot) if rc != 0: log("WARNING - Error code %s encountered running a kickstart %%pre/%%post script" , rc) os.unlink(path) This code essentialy does the following: 1) Write the script out to /tmp/ks-script or /tmp/ks-script in the chrooted enviroment. 2) Set output from the script to go to /dev/tty3 or in case of a serial install to /tmp/ks-script.log. 3) Run the written out script. 4) Print a warning if an error was returned. 5) Remove the script that was written out. Note there is no return of the status of the script. So there is the first problem. Now here is the code that actually calls the Script.run() methods for %pre scripts: log("Running kickstart %%pre script(s)") for script in self.preScripts: script.run("/", self.serial) log("All kickstart %%pre script(s) have been run") Note again, it does not check the return code and marches merrily along. Now this bit of code is in KickstartBase.setInstallData(), and I am not sure where it is called, but probably it would need to return an error to whatever called it, to get the thing to stop properly. At anyrate its easy to see that there was no intention of even caring about return codes from %pre scripts (or %post scripts for that matter), which I thinks is the wrong thing to do, or at least there should be an option to request it to do this, but in most cases if the %pre goes bad, I don't want the install to continue. In our case when %pre goes bad usually shortly there after anaconda goes completley off the rails and we get a python exception. cheers...james