Yeah! I finally got my e100.o module compiled under the BOOT kernel successfully! Thanks to everyone who provided direction. In case anyone has a similar issue, below is a summary of what worked and did not work for me. * The steps that Ed Brown pointed me towards for compiling a module under the BOOT kernel worked. * The steps I listed in my original e-mail for compiling a module under the BOOT kernel did NOT work. * The steps Christopher Malek gave to find the values for the pcitable and add the module to the bootnet.img worked. * The steps I listed in my original e-mail for adding a module to the bootnet.img also worked. A couple issues I had: * on the system I was using to compile my module, I had the normal 2.4.2-2 linux kernel plus my own recompiled kernel installed. The modules I compiled on that system, gave me unresolved symbols during kickstart. Once I switched to compiling my modules on a system that did not have my recompiled kernel, I was able to successfully load the module during kickstart. * I tried compiling my e100 module when a) my system was connected to the network via a 3COM network card b) the 3COM card was removed and my system was connected to the network via the motherboard Different modules were created in these two instances. Only the modules created in instance b) were able to load successfully during kickstart Again, thanks to all who helped me! It is much appreciated.