Well, you might run into a problem that we've just discovered here. If eth0 is not up when you run this, ethtool "oops"es. And depending on what kernel you're running, (e.g., 2.4.9-34), it will panic the box. 2.4.18-14 doesn't panic, but ethtool still oopses. Now, I don't know if it depends on the NIC driver in use, we're using e1000. But all I have to do is change ifcfg-eth0 onboot to no, recycle the network, and run the exact command you're trying, and our 2.4.9-34 systems panic.
Donald E. Bodle, Jr. Sr. Systems Integration Engineer Platform Development The Reynolds and Reynolds Co. (937) 485-1954
-----Original Message-----
I've downloaded and compiled the most current ethtool program. I'm looking for anyone who has experience in setting the NIC duplex setting to 100 full when kickstarting a server. I believe the most logical location to place the ethtool program is within the initrd.img or RAM disk. Should this be executed in the "%pre" section of the ks.cfg file and if so can I pass the usual arguments as if executing on a live system, i.e. "ethtool -s eth0 speed 100 duplex full autoneg off"???
Any help is appreciated!!!
Carlos R. Martinez