Thanks Chris! It worked.
-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Rouch [mailto:cdvr@xxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Tuesday, January 21, 2003 1:20 AM
To: kickstart-list@xxxxxxxxxx
Subject: RE: rpm syntax in %post section of RH8
On Mon, 2003-01-20 at 21:20, Martin Canovas wrote:
> The %post -nochroot is not running the rpm command.
> I'm mounting a directory from the server and copying a few files. That
> is working fine. The same directory has the rpm package I want to
> install.
> Example:
> mount server1:/usr/src/postinstall /mnt/tmp
> rpm -U /mnt/tmp/jdk-1.3.1_06.i586.rpm
> umount /mnt/tmp
> What is wrong?
You need to do this in a chroot environment.
I have some rpms that don't install well from anaconda (e.g webmin) in a
directory in the install tree, and do something like:
%post --nochroot
cp /mnt/source/badrpms/webmin-1.050-1.noarch.rpm /mnt/sysimage/tmp
chroot /mnt/sysimage rpm -ivh /tmp/webmin-1.050-1.noarch.rpm
This is all done in a script, but that's roughly what it does. In the
example above badrpms would be a directory on your nfs server at the
same level as RedHat.
> Can I include a custom rpm package in %package section? How?
Yes. It's not trivial though. There's some information at
and you'll find some other useful stuff if you search the archives for
this list. You might want to look at as well, which
is only for redhat 7.x, but some of it is relevant to redhat 8.0
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