I've created an eltorito bootable CD using floppy-disk emulation of a
2.88 floppy disk. This works very nicely, since it allows me to have the
extra room (after rm'ing some .o files) to add the network modules for
my ethernet card.
I'm using redhat 7.3 and have tried using ks=cdrom, ks=file:/ks.cfg, and
ks=floppy. I would assume that ks=floppy would be the most theoretically
correct, since eltorito emulates a floppy disk, but I think that it is
actually looking for the ks.cfg file under /dev/fd0...
I know that I could get the ks.cfg over the network, but we're having
some problems with our network card picking up dhcp; kickstart using
dhcp is our longterm goal, but I want to have something in place that
retains the majority of the functionallity.
I know that later on, during %post (if chrooted) you have to access
files via the chrooted jail. I don't imagine that that would be
happening this early, but it's one of my ideas.
So, given all of that, a) how can I point to a ks.cfg that I can get to?
Thanks a bunch,