> Ok... so I'm a thrill seeker.... I'm trying to modularize my %post section > using > %include so I don't have to edit 6 different kickstart config files every > time we update our image. If you can live without much thrill, you can try a solution like ours: We execute scripts in a mounted directories for maximun fexibility. Here is my %post section %post SERVERIP="xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx" MOUNTOPTS="-o ro,nolock" cd / mkdir -p /mnt/maintain chmod 700 /mnt/maintain function install_script(){ mount $MOUNTOPTS $1 /mnt/maintain for i in /mnt/maintain/scripts/*; do $i 2>&1 | tee -a /root/postinstall.log; done; umount /mnt/maintain install_script $SERVERIP:/linux/redhat-7.3/base install_script $SERVERIP:/linux/redhat-7.3/pool Florian Festi