Re: Making a rpm install 'last'

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On Sat, 2002-07-27 at 01:34, Skahan, Vince wrote:
> I've cut a custom CD that squeezes RH72 onto one cdrom,
> and have added one small rpm to it, which installs fine.
> Is there a way to specify it so it installs as the 'last'
> rpm, so I can use it as a flag for a custom installer to
> know that the installation is done ?
> (note this is for headless installs, so I don't have a
>    monitor on the target system to watch :-)

> Anybody have a clean way to force a rpm to be 'last' ?

If you just need a flag, why not touch /tmp/ALLDONE or somesuch in the
%post section. 

If you really need this rpm installed last, you can always install it in
the %post section. I don't know if that counts as 'clean' though...



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