Thanks for Forrest Taylor for quickly responding that this method works
fine WITHOUT the "interactive" keyword.
I think I will not even begin to try to figure this one out, but surely
this is a bug?
Thanks for the quick responses.
--On Thursday, June 27, 2002 02:28:49 PM -0400 Bruce Lowekamp
<lowekamp@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I would like to use kickstart only to select the same packages on all
machines. (partitions, networking, etc may be different between them).
This is to do a 7.3 install on an existing 7.2 system (usually reformat /
and /boot, keep existing /home)
I tried this by taking an anaconda-ks.cfg and paring it down, but it
didn't work. I cut it down to just: ----------
# Kickstart file automatically generated by anaconda.
<package list deleted to save space>
and it still didn't work. It failed after mouse selection with the
message: "Could not allocate requested partitions
Parition failed: Could not allocate partition as primary partition
Press OK to reboot"
No where in any of the ks.cfg files I used was there any information
about requested partitions. I expected to be prompted for that. As the
machines aren't all partitioned the same way, I would like to be prompted
for that. I am glad it failed to repartition the drive, since that isn't
what I wanted it to do.
The same installation went fine without using kickstart, but I would like
to make the next 5 machines the same.
Any suggestions?
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