[...possibly a little off topic...] I'm trying to build a initrd image that loads out of grub that is over 64MB in size. Basically consider it to be a custom mini-RH that has just the pieces needed to do the job, rather than all the stuff that you get in a default no-packages-specified RH installation. I can build a initrd file of any size I want. The problem is getting it to boot. I pass the ramdisk_size=64000 parameter to the kernel in the grub menu as it boots. The problem is if I make the ramdisk_size > 64000. It tries to boot, but gives me a cryptic prompt to insert disk #2 (huh?). In looking in block/rd.c looks like there's a default of 16 ramdisks and a default block size that when you combine them you get a 64MB initrd ramdisk max. There's a very poorly documented ramdisk_blocksize that it appears I can pass as well, is this how folks can get 512MB ramdisks and the like for applications that they want to run totally in memory ? -- ---------- vince.skahan@xxxxxxxxxx -------------- Connexion by Boeing - Cabin Network