Hi Liza, On my RH 7.2 system I had to add a line after the ones which read: if len(sys.argv) != 3: print "pkgorder <toppath> <arch>" sys.exit(1) in /usr/lib/anaconda-runtime/pkgorder. The line is: log.open ( "" ) If you replace the "" with the path to a file logging will be done to that file instead of stderr. I presume there's a better way of doing this, but hacking source works for me :-) Regards, -- Raju >>>>> "Liza" == Liza Alenchery <lalenchery@xxxxxxxxxxxx> writes: Liza> When I try to run pkgorder, I get the error: Liza> Traceback (innermost last): File Liza> "/usr/lib/anaconda-runtime/pkgorder", line 42, in ? arch = Liza> arch, matchAllLang = 1) File "/usr/lib/anaconda/comps.py", Liza> line 541, in __init__ log("archList=%s", self.archList) File Liza> "/usr/lib/anaconda/log.py", line 27, in __call__ raise Liza> RuntimeError, "log file not open yet" RuntimeError: log file Liza> not open yet Liza> I am running as root and have no idea why the file cannot be Liza> opened. If I comment out the line in comps.py, pkgorder Liza> completes. Liza> Thanks for any help. Liza -- Raju Mathur raju@xxxxxxxxxxxxx http://kandalaya.org/ It is the mind that moves