My ks.cfg reads: network --bootproto static --ip --netmask --hostname thebox Which works a treat. If you need the user to actually input the information, I bet that the easiest thing is to prompt in the %post section, or just tell 'em to run netconfig after the install is done. hth, /meg ---------------------------------------------------- Liza wrote: -------------------- Hi Kickstart documentation says: network: If it is not given and the kickstart installation does not require networking(in other words, it's not installed over NFS), networking is not configured for the system. I have my ks.cfg put in the initrd image. Now I want the user to be able to configure one or more network interfaces. Can I put something like network --bootproto static to make this happen. (Didn't work when I tried) Or is the documentation saying that it cannot be done that way? Is my only option to have code in the %post section to ask user to input the ip addr, netmask etc and then set up the interfaces there? thanks in advance Liza