Well, I don't exactly know what's wrong short of that it's -not working- I make the ks.cfg file exactly according to the documentation (or ksconfig) and then put it on the floppy.... Everytime I boot with "linux ks=floppy" I get a prompt for Language, then for keyboard layout, then for the installation media where local CDROM and local HD are my only options (I need NFS or FTP). At that point, TTYs 1, 3, and 4 are accessible and none of them are shells (1 is the actual install program, 3 and 4 are output dumps.) In one of the output shells I see that it copied the ks.cfg file to /tmp/ks.cfg but later it says that there's no install method specified for kickstart (ks.cfg will be below.) Do I need a driver disk for my NIC? Perhaps I'm just not reading the manual closely enough, but it doesn't specify exactly what to do if you want to kickstart with a floppy and install from NFS/FTP.... Is it possible to kickstart from a bootable NIC? It also doesn't specify that.... Anyways, please post back if you have any input. Thanks -Eli