Ian had a good question, and it prompts my own general question:
I have searched this list, and found nothing on creating multivolume CD's.
Perhaps this is not really a kickstart issue, but it sure would be nice if
I could take my kickstart images to a client site instead of havinf to use
NFS all the time.
Can anyone suggest how we should create multi-volume CD distro CD's?
Thanks in Advance,
Blair Lowe.
On 2001.12.14 09:36 Ian Leonard wrote:
I have made up a cd image with several of my own rpms. These
are on the first disk. When installing, the second disk is prompted
for, later it asks for the first disk again for one of my rpms.
Is there some trick to getting the ordering right?
Ian Leonard
eMail: ileonard@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Phone: +44 (0)1865 765273
Please ignore spelling and punctuation - I did.
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