Might want to check your install order, i.e. ## set language. lang en_US ## set up network configuration. # network --bootproto static --ip --netmask --gateway --nameserver network --bootproto dhcp ## INSTALL option for cdrom version cdrom ## INSTALL option for NFS # nfs --server --dir /exports/7.2_munged/ ## load modules. device ethernet eepro100 device scsi aic7xxx ## UK keyboard. keyboard uk etc. etc. syslinux should be default ks, and the append ks=floppy this gives a floppy based boot for a cdrom based install if your doing CD only then you will need to get the ks.cfg into the boot.img. Can't see if your trying this one though. yours a.r.b. -----Original Message----- From: kickstart-list-admin@xxxxxxxxxx [mailto:kickstart-list-admin@xxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of Peter Matulis Sent: 14 November 2001 17:40 To: 'kickstart-list@xxxxxxxxxx' Subject: RE: thoughts on kickstart, again :-)))) Funny. I've just about given up on kickstart. I've tried it on 7.0,1,2 and consistently get "no install method specified for kickstart" even when using the cdrom install option. Peter Matulis -> -----Original Message----- -> From: K. Spoon [mailto:kspoon@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] -> Sent: November 14, 2001 1:22 PM -> To: Kickstart-List -> Subject: RE: thoughts on kickstart, again :-)))) -> -> -> On Tue, 13 Nov 2001, btopenworld wrote: -> -> > My personnal opinion though is out of all of the automagic -> > installers for different OS's out there kickstart stands up -> > well, and in many instances is streets ahead. -> -> I'll say amen to that. -> -> We currently have representatives from a company that has recently -> resolved a few public legal issues here showing off their unattended -> installer, and they're crowing about getting their product installed -> on a server in "a little over 30 minutes". -> -> The RH 7.2 kickstart gets the OS on the box and the server configured -> for deployment in the data center in a little under 15. -> -> And the web server on RH doesn't have an exploit of the week feature, -> either. -> -> -- -> Kelley Spoon Main: -> 210-892-4000 -> Rackspace Managed Hosting Fax: -> 210-892-4329 -> 112 East Pecan, Suite 600 Email: -> kspoon@xxxxxxxxxxxxx -> San Antonio, TX 78205 -> <http://www.rackspace.com> -> -> -> -> _______________________________________________ -> Kickstart-list mailing list -> Kickstart-list@xxxxxxxxxx -> https://listman.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/kickstart-list -> _______________________________________________ Kickstart-list mailing list Kickstart-list@xxxxxxxxxx https://listman.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/kickstart-list